Let Us Define

Our Cycle of Learning


Defining Criteria For Success

At ReVISION Learning data defines every decision we make. Our learning cycle begins and ends with our RVL Supervisory Continuum and our Claim, Connect, Action approach to providing feedback.


Evaluation of Schools, Practices, & Systems

Our diagnostic tools provide a comprehensive picture of capacity in your district.


Personalizing Instruction

We have a variety of products and services to support your district's confirmed needs.


Annual Review of Outcomes

We provide sophisticated data analyis and comprehensive reports that provide you with a direction into the next acadmic year.

Defining Criteria For Success

Supervisory Continuum

The ReVISION Learning Supervisory Continuum™, a continuous growth rubric, is designed to directly support instructional leaders and coaches as they review teacher performance and practice and provide meaningful feedback.

Learn below about our three core competencies, how they are measured, and products and services we offer to improve these areas.

Observe and Collect Evidence
  • 1a. Evidence cited is directly tied to the appropriate indicators of practice and accurately represents the levels of performance.
  • 1b. Qualitative and quantitative evidence cited in feedback is aligned, appropriate and facilitates targeted growth andimprovement.
  • 1e. Evidence cited is objectively stated and without opinion.
  • Unpack a Rubric
  • Describe Look Fors
  • Identify Types of Data
  • Collect Qualititative Evidence
  • Collect Quantitative Evidence
  • Collect Evidence of Student Engagement
  • Observe Objectively
Analyze Evidence
  • 1a. Evidence cited is directly tied to the appropriate indicators of practice and accurately represents the levels of performance.
  • 1c. Evidence cited is focused on meaningful student engagement and learning and is directly connected to a specific teaching strategy and/or teacher action and impact on students.
  • 1e. Evidence cited is objectively stated and without opinion.
  • Analyze Evidence
  • Analyze Objectively
  • Determine Student Engagement Levels
  • Determine Impact on Engagement
  • Determine the Impact on Learning
  • Determine Performance Level
  • Craft Claims
Provide Written/Oral Feedback
  • 1a. Evidence cited is directly tied to the appropriate indicators of practice and accurately represents the levels of performance.
  • 1b. Qualitative and quantitative evidence cited in feedback is aligned, appropriate and facilitates targeted growth andimprovement.
  • 1e. Evidence cited is objectively stated and without opinion.
  • 1f. Feedback report serves as a comprehensive learning tool containing clearly articulated evidence-based feedback and explicit connections.
  • Outline Research-Based Strategies
  • Build on Instructional Strengths
  • Scaffold Next Steps
  • Review for Objectivity
  • Compare Feedback
  • Create Clear Connections
  • Develop Reflective Questions
Evaluation of Schools, Practices, & Systems

Assessment Informs Practice and Improves Outcomes

Our proven design ensures leaders are provided the tools they need to put LEARNING into school/district operations, instruction, accountability, and ongoing professional learning.

We begin by using our diagnostic tools to develop a learning plan suited for each leader in your district.

Diagnostic for Personalized Professional Learning

ReVISION Learning Partnership, in conjunction with Amplify's Professional Learning Maps, developed a diagnostic survey to create leadership learning plans.

Utlilize our surveys to gauge the learning needs of your district administrators

Systems and Instructional Evaluation & Review

ReVISION Learning works with schools and districts to provide external, objective validation of school quality, systems for educator accountability, and student achievement that fosters continuous school improvement.

Video Based Calibration

In partnership with ReVIEW Talent Feedback System, we offer a video based calibration activity that will inform district plans around professional learning.

You can receive data on inter-rater agreement, calibration to normed scores, and performance on the RVL Continuum.

Supporting Confirmed Needs


Our workshops, offered as summer institutes or one day sessions, instructional leaders and coaches collaboratively explore the essential components of instruction.

Specialized Instructional Leadership Workshops

Learning Outcomes

Two day interactive workshop that ensures all participants will:

  • Improve capacity to observe for and support teachers in implementation of a balanced literacy approach.
  • Analyze instructional practice to determine level of performance and associated professional learning needs.
  • Synthesize evidence of teaching practice to support feedback for teacher professional learning.


Our sessions provide hands on work and reflective practice around:

  • Core Professional Learning for improved implementation of Balanced Literacy.
  • Understanding of ReVISION Learning Supervisory Continuum.
  • Define the observable behaviors and develop principal capacity.
  • Outline the on-going calibration and instructional leadership practice of principals.
Supporting Confirmed Needs

Collegial Calibrations™

Professional learning to improve instructional leadership capacity

A Proven Method

Collegial Calibrations is a facilitated process that includes team-based classroom observations with a focus on continued calibration to…

  • Recognize essential behaviors associated with instructional practices
  • Develop proficiency with evidence collection methods
  • Analyze evidence with a focus on student learning
  • Provide teacher feedback while deepening their understanding of the practice

Learning Outcomes

Through a series of collaborative observations participants will…

  • Sharpen observation skills & instructional eye
  • Refine capacity to collect and provide evidence-based feedback to teachers
  • Engage in lesson debrief conversations that combine the perspectives of multiple observers
  • Support teachers’ professional growth by improving written & verbal performance feedback
Supporting Confirmed Needs

ReVISION Online Learning

Your Any Time, Any Space Solution

Hybrid and Blended Solutions

Designing and delivering professional learning to support adults in today’s school environments requires the same multi-dimensional planning we expect to see in our classrooms. Providing educators access to new learning, offering resources to reinforce existing or on-going learning, and building targeted, supportive professional learning programs is made more possible through integration of technology. ReVISION OnLine Learning professional learning modules are designed:

  • to support educators either as stand-alone learning programs or in conjunction with our face-to-face workshops and job-embedded professional learning
  • to fit the needs of educators across multiple roles
  • to allow educators to take control of their learning
  • to create a more personal learning environment
  • to improve their leadership or teaching practice

ReVISION Online Learning

Just in Time Teaching

Annual Review

Summative Report of Progress

We work with your district to create a summary report utlizing data collected throughout the year.

For an in depth picture of growth, evaluators complete a second video based calibration.

Annual Review of Practice

Facilitated discussions to support district leadership in the development of goals, objectives, and new professional learning needs which can include:

  • Review of data on observation and feedback.
  • Review of qualitative data on instructional practice.
  • Review of progress associated with aligned strategic goals, objectives, and strategies.
  • Recommendations for new strategic planning.

Comprehensive Data Collection

We offer a full talent management system. ReVIEW Talent Feedback System is the only platform built to grow both teacher and evaluator capacity.

Districts can use ReVIEW as a tool to empower data based decision making. Districts have access to raw data and polished reports at a click of a button. These can be used for:

  • Accredidation reports
  • Annual mandated state and federal reporting
  • Tracking Strategic Planning
  • Program Review
  • Talent Management